Saturday, May 27, 2023

Lac Ste. Anne, West Cove Launch

For Mother's Day, we took a trip to Lac Ste. Anne, using the West Cove boat launch. The launch was deserted and the water was super clean.

We paddled north to Farming Island, basically following the west shore of the island to the north side of the lake. The island looks like a glacial moraine (or maybe an esker).

It was smoking hot on the water at 10 am (like +24C) but a south wind picked up. 

We had a bit of a rough paddle back to the south shore down the east side of the island but it was a lovely trip. 

If I go back, I'd like to beach on the island and walk around bit. I think I read there are two geocaches on the island.

Since we were in the neighbourhood, we continued on to the Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary that is operated by the Edmonton and Area Land Trust. We've volunteered to count loons for them on one of the lakes here and thought we go get the lay of the land. No loons, but we saw three frogs, two trumpeter swans, and one large pile of cougar poop!

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