Saturday, May 6, 2023

Spring Lake

With the temperature at +31C on May 1 (!!!), I hauled the kid out to Spring Lake for a paddle before she heads off to work in the mountains for the summer. Access is tricky and I've put directions in this post.

The water level was lower this year than last so the launch was a touch mucky and smelly (although we got in and out with dry feet). It started out reasonably sunny but then quickly clouded over, which brought some welcome relief from the heat.

There were a couple of other paddlers on the lake but mostly it was just us, waterfowl, and frogs. The noise of the frogs was incredible. Ditto the loons staking out breeding territory and, of course, the ever-angry geese.

We did a tour of the lake in about 90 minutes without really trying very hard. Lots of weeds for so early in the year and lots of birds. 

Overall, a nice paddle in unexpectedly nice weather. Sunnier would have been nice but the moody clouds were also pretty. Maybe a lake to get hit earlier this year, given the water levels.

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