Saturday, September 14, 2024

Mayatan Lake

In late June, I took a neighbour out to Mayatan Lake to try kayaking after work. The launch was busy with a group of canoeists as well as some folks dropping in fishing boats.

The water in the western basin was in great shape and we had a lovely paddle around.

We saw about 12 beavers out and about, including a bunch kits.

We decided we'd try the eastern basin. I had heard the channel was impassable earlier in the spring due to the water level being low.

It was possible to get through and I only scraped once, near the eastern end.

The eastern basin was very slimy right at the edge.

Things cleared up as we got into deeper parts.

Overall, a nice paddle and good place to learn. Coming back, he was paddling like a pro!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Twin Lake

One evening in late June, I drove 90 minutes down to Twin Lake. Access is free in the county campground and you can drop your boats and park right at the water. There is a dock, boat launch with a gentle, sandy bottom, swim beach, picnic tables, and a rather rustic (ahem) pit toilet. There is also a kayakomat here.

The lake is small (you could easily do two laps in an hour) but offers two creeks to explore as well. I headed west towards the outflow and paddled up it.

The beaver dam just past the power lines was in place. You could shoot this (and eventually end up at the highway by Winfield) but getting back up looked dodgy so I turned around.

The lake was empty and there are no power boats allowed so it was a peaceful paddle. Of course, danger lurks in every lake... (geese).

I let the wind blow me east towards the inflowing creek. 

The water level was up a touch because of the beaver dam so I got further up this creek than I have in the past.

Eventually, though, I hit a roadblock and turned around. Not much for wildlife this trip--it was getting on in the evening and was windy and a storm was blowing in so maybe the birds had taken cover.

Overall, a nice paddle and a great lake for beginners.