Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lake Isle, Silver Sands Launch

In mid-September, we went out for a mid-day birthday paddle at Lake Isle. It had been a couple of years since we'd been to Lake Isle and this time we tried the Silver Sands launch in the southeast corner.

The launch was gravel and cement. We dropped right beside the water and then parked 20 meters away. There was a playground, a picnic shelter (no fires, though), horseshoe pits, and pit toilets were located up by the municipal garage (100 meters).

The water was pretty green and had a faint whiff of manure and we got in dry. We then did a clockwise loop around the large island and much of the eastern bay. We paddled maybe two hours and covered 8km or so.

There wasn't much to see. There was no one on the lake and only a few birds.

The different, autumn light gave the water a cool CGI effect.

There was the beginning of the fall colours along the north shore.

Overall, this was a fine enough paddle. Maybe a bit boring? Less boring is the road signage leading into the summer village of Silver Sands. Really, this raises all kinds of question for me. Are intramural firefights such an issue it required a sign? Can you shoot into and/or out of the village?

Happy to have tried this launch. I think the Kokomoko entrance on the southwest side was more interesting.