Saturday, May 11, 2024

Muir Lake

In late April, we decided to roll the dice and see if a lake west of Edmonton was open. We landed on Muir Lake because it was close to home and there were lots of other lake options nearby if it was still frozen. 

Other than the boat launch gate being locked until May 1 (so we had a short carry), it was ready to go. The dock was in and the water levels were up. The pit toilets were also open and reasonably clean.

The county hadn't yet fished two large snow fences out of the water. These surround weak ice where they aerate the lake in the winter.

It was a gloriously sunny day, with lots of birds, including an osprey. Only saw one other paddler and a couple of walkers.

Overall, Muir was exactly what we wanted: a short paddle, sheltered from the wind, and close to town. That it was empty (it is a popular fishing lake) was a bonus. It looks lie the ice is mostly out on all the lakes so we'll try something a bit more adventurous next time.

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