Saturday, April 13, 2024

Early start on 2024: The Sturgeon

It has been a warm winter and early spring. That meant a portion of the Sturgeon River was open on March 17. I put in at the corner of Otter Crescent and Olivier Close and paddled downstream (north). Street parking about a 150-foot carry to the water. Just through the stone archway and head directly towards the river through the grass and shore weeds. 

I put in slightly upstream of the storm sewer outflow by an old beaver lodge. Pretty easy in and out. The bed of the river was frozen and the water was about 9 inches deep. I went upstream a ways (it was open to Canadian Tire) but kept dragging on the bottom so I turned and and went about 2.5 km downstream (started to lose the light so headed back).

Lovely quiet evening with only one other group of paddlers out.

There were a fair few birds: waxwings, the first robins, and a woodpecker hammering away.

This eagle's nest had two geese checking it out.

Overall, a lovely evening (+14C) on the water and about six weeks earlier than usual. I expect we'll be back to ice shortly but this was a welcomed treat.

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